Monday, January 5, 2015

The Accidental Vegan.

If you've followed along on this corner of the internet, you know that I'm a full-time vegetarian who's constantly thinking about becoming  a vegan. During my pregnancy with Ro-maine Lettuce (lol) I stuck to my vegetarianism despite some well-meaning dummies constantly telling me that I should be eating "steak, here and there" or that "chicken will create a stronger baby."

I ate tofu and spinach like a muth and I promise that my baby boy is already much stronger than he should be. 

When people heard I was breastfeeding the meat pushers came back out in full force and this time they were slinging dairy at me, too. During my pregnancy I enjoyed about a billion ice cream cones and a daily serving of coconut flavored Greek yogurt.

In the first 6 weeks of breastfeeding I continued to eat yogurt and dump cheese on things and indulged in milk-made foods daily (despite the fact that cow's milk has always creeped me out). After about a week at home we noticed that Ro-bo Cop (I have a million of these) was an incredibly gassy screaming and turning red gassy...constantly. Our pediatrician suggested trying gas drops and said that it just takes newborn tummies some adjusting before they settle down. We tried different types of gripe water, I burped him mid-feed, we made sure it wasn't the beginning of colic or reflux (thank Cheez-its it wasn't), and we struggled to help him toot so that he'd feel better. After talking with a lactation consultant and our pediatrician I was advised to try cutting out dairy (some baby bellies can't break down dairy proteins they receive through breastmilk. science, man.) and see if things improved. After a week he seemed better, less gassy, and it was easier for him to sleep. We knew it was a dairy intolerance for sure when we gave him milk that I had frozen while I was still eating dairy as a test and his old symptoms returned with a vengeance. So what's a new mom to do? Cut out all the dairy goodness and try not to look back.

Some things I've realized since making the jump (overnight!) to 100% dairy-free:

Finding dairy replacements isn't THAT hard
 When I mentioned cutting out dairy there were a few folks who quickly told me there was no better source of calcium than cow's milk and that it'd be hard to find replacements. Wrong-o. Since I haven't actually had a glass of cow milk in years (just consumed other dairy products) I already knew that was untrue. There's soy milk, coconut milk, almond milk, the list goes on. If anything, I think we live in a time where there are more options than ever (could you imagine finding organic coconut milk at a chain grocer like Jewel in the early 1990's? Me either). Take a trip to the "healthy/organic" aisle at a chain grocery store or stop in a health food emporium and BOOM! You have a ton of dairy-free options. Soy ice cream, no-dairy butter, milkless milk, coconut yogurt, anything your heart desires. You just have to do a bit of research and taste-testing to find what you like.

On that note...

Trial and error, dude, trial and dang error
 As with anything, it takes a bit of work to find what you like best and which dairy-free options work best for you. For instance, it took a few tries to learn that I love coconut milk to drink with chia seeds mixed in but I prefer almond milk for baking or using in smoothies. I try to stay away from soy-based options because I think they make me gain weight. Dairy-free cheese can be your personal Everest. Some are amazing, some are revolting. Buy a few different kinds of things and see what you like. I did a vegan month a few years ago (I made it like 13 days at the time) and I went to our health food store and bought everything. For real. I spent a ton of money and bought all sorts of different dairy-free yogurts, egg replacers, plant-based milks, you name it so that I could try different things and see what I liked. It was a bit of a spend at the time but I'm glad I did it because in going dairy-free this time I knew just what to buy.

For the record I love Trader Joe's almond milk, Lisanatti almond cheese paired with crackers,  Daiya "cheese" for melting on/in things, So Delicious frozen desserts & ice creams, and Tofutti frozen pizzas, cream cheese, & sour cream.

Ignore that well-meaning dopes 
I honestly think people are trying to help when they horn in on my diet but it usually comes from a place of personal habit. We grew up thinking cow's milk was the only way to get strong bones, so what do I mean I'm not drinking it? Eggs and fish are the only things that build brain health, why wouldn't I eat them often? It's just antiquated thinking. I feel like there's enough research out there that proves calcium, Omega fats, and a billion other nutrients are plentiful in plant-based foods and hi, take a vitamin for insurance.

As a general note, I would never ever cut things out of my diet if it was going to put my baby at risk. I went dairy-free to help him and I made sure to research his needs, talk to his doctor, and fix my diet so that I am building a healthy baby boy.

It takes a find really great recipes on a budget
Okay, it's only been two weeks and I have an infant so I haven't been able to test a ton of great recipes yet (tofu stir fries have been my dinner BFF) but during 3am feedings I have searched Pinterest for great dairy-free or vegan dishes that are quick and easy. Every damn "vegan slow cooker meals!" pin leads to a chili recipe. I love a good chili as much as the next gal but let's broaden our horizons.

In talking with some friends I've made it my mission to find and share great, healthy vegan recipes that don't take twenty years to make.

When you are cheese tempted, find motivation
 Though I gave up dairy for my Ro-ad Dawg (I could do this all day), I have a passion for animals too and that serves as a huge motivation for me. Up until a few years ago I blindly believed that no one really suffered for dairy. I won't get into it here, but that's untrue. Whenever I'm tempted to order a cheese pizza I do a bit of research. In the middle of the night while up with my bouquet of Ro-ses (too much?) I watch food documentaries like Vegucated, even if it seems weird. I remind myself what goes into that carton of milk and suddenly I want to keep my cookies far, far away.

 Do you do dairy?


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