Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pregnancy Prep.

Our "go time" diaper bag, which we've slowly been packing with hospital necessities. Also, that dino? I die. He's just waiting for his buddy to arrive.

 So, I don't know if you know this but being pregnant and getting ready for a baby involves a lot of prep work. Like, learning how to keep baby alive and getting the house clean and preparing to not be able to go to the grocery store alone for a few weeks and dimming the lights on work for a few weeks.

On our "before baby" list of things to prep?

1.) Hospital Bag.
You know that age-old sitcom bit were the pregnant lady and the daddy-to-be rush out of the house and are furiously throwing things in a suitcase (like a cordless phone and frying pan and evening gown) because they didn't pack a hospital bag? THAT IS MY NIGHTMARE. I am a prepared person by nature (have you noticed?) and worry that we will be at the hospital without something I need. I've pulled together a few lists from veteran moms of what to pack in the hospital bag and have started ordering things I don't have (like Tuck's medicated butt pads because apparently you need them). I have a post-it in the top of the bag of things to remember that we can't pack yet (phone chargers, my camera, my glasses, etc.). I plan to have this bag fully packed before October 1st and waiting by the door/in the car at any given moment.

2.) Freezer Meals/Meal Plans.
Of course I am obsessed with the food situation. What will we eat after the baby is here? But how will I get more food? I have begun meal planning for the 30 days after babe arrives already and have a date with my mom the first weekend of October to whip up a TON of freezer meals--casseroles, soups, stir-fry bags, the whole lot. I know I will be too consumed with baby to meal plan in those first weeks and unable to get to the store, so I'm trying to cover off and prepare us to eat healthfully. I don't want to spend money/calories on eating pizza every night so I'm trying to set Rhyno and I up for success. I'm also planning to whip up oatmeal mixes in small Tupperware containers for quick and easy breakfasts or lunches.

3.) Getting Home Ready.
We've already deep cleaned/organized most of the house (just the basement and that pesky garage left to finish) so now it's a matter of making sure we're fully prepped for any home needs while we are caring for Babysaurus. We have plans to winterize our yard a bit earlier than usual--a final weeding, unhooking the hoses so they don't freeze, burning our leaves. I also have a list of things I need to buy in bulk--toilet paper, dog food, cat litter--so we don't suddenly run out when I'm cooped up. I also have a date with myself in early October to make big batches of all our homemade cleaners because who wants to be grating Fels Naptha when they could be cuddling an infant? A genius idea I had? Rhyno is having a cleaning service come in while I'm in the hospital with the baby to clean the house so we come home to a sparkly palace. 

We also have our big baby shower in a few weeks (eee!!) and I can't wait to put everything in order and get the finishing touches put on everything.

4.) Pet Projects.
We've been prepping our pets for our bundle for a few months now. I think the cats will mostly stay away (though Kira has been sneaking into the baby's bassinet in our bedroom to sleep at night), we have been working with Violet with a baby doll to be gentle. We've been training her not to rip up the baby's toys and that she doesn't play rough in the baby's room.

5.) Work.
I feel mostly prepared when it comes to work! My last day before maternity leave is set and I met with my boss and coworkers this week to figure out who will be taking care of things while I'm out. I have my clients prepped for transition and I feel like things will go pretty smoothly.

Any other ideas of things to be prepared for before Babysaurus arrives (in just 48 days!)?


  1. Learn from my mistake and pack a separate bag of snacks. I had Asher at 4:28 in the morning and I "missed my opportunity to make a breakfast order" (sorry just having a child without drugs...excuse me grumpy nurse) so I had to wait till my husband came at 8 (long story almost had Asher in the ambulance...)to eat and I was so hungry I was crying (the hormones didn't help). And even then the food was gross. Also chapstick. My lips were SO dry. Oh and if you have a tablet put a bunch of movies/shows on it. I got a private room (yay!) that didn't have cable (boo!) and it sucked in those early morning hours of constant infomercials.

  2. Ooh, that's a good tip! We have a whole box of KIND bars stashed in my bag and learned during our tour they have a fridge so I plan to have my parents bring food & drinks too (you know I'm all about the food situation).


You look so pretty today.