Monday, October 7, 2013

Soup Love.

Man, I love soup.
In an effort to get healthy, lose weight, and save some moolah, Rhyno and I have been making a conscious effort to cook more meals at home. While it's SUPER easy to get stuck in a rut (for us that means stir-fries over spaghetti squash, spicy pasta with vegan ground "beef," or...when all else fails or laziness sets in...take out), I've been trying to find recipes that are fun and quick. This Saturday, with nothing great on our chalkboard dinner board (post on that forthcoming) we decided to keep it light and have soup. After much discussion and looking for recipes, the Guffeys Make Dinner: Soup Cook-Off was born.

We decided neither of us could use a pre-existing recipe. I will say upfront I have no recipe for Rhyno's soup. He was a madman, running around the kitchen tossing things into a pot. He decided on a broccoli-cheese concoction, I chose a tomato-basil soup.

So, here's mine...

What You Need
-1 tablespoon coconut oil (olive oil would work too)
-5 cloves of garlic
-8 large tomatoes
-a handful of fresh basil (ours was homegrown!)
-dash of sea salt
-dash of black pepper
-1 cup plain 0% greek yogurt

-as much and whatever kind of cheese you prefer (I used gruyere)
-Bacon or a bacon substitute (if desired, for topping)

What You Do
1.) Girl (or boy), grab a big ol' soup pot and heat it up on a front burner
2.) Chop up those garlic cloves, add the oil to the pot (careful, if it's super hot it WILL pop!) and then toss in the garlic
3.) Chop up all them tomatoes, add 'em to the pot (I squeezed mine a bit while throwing them in)
4.) Dash a' salt, dash a' pepper
5.) Chop up the basil (it doesn't matter how fine)
6.) Once everything has cooked together, turn the burner off, toss it all in a blender
7.) Once in the blender (you may have to do it in stages, depending on the size of your pitcher), add the greek yogurt and hit Puree

Yes, I have man-hands. They look just like my dad's hands but with nail polish. Move on.

To Serve
Add your cheese (I sliced my gruyere with a potato peeler) and add any additional toppings like bacon imitation or garlic croutons. Then, enjoy it!!

We counted our Soup-Off as a draw--they were both pretty delicious...and filling! I was stuffed for the rest of the night. With the Midwest weather cooling, I think we have quite a few more soup nights in the works.

What's your favorite soup recipe?

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You look so pretty today.